Is blogging really that important for your business?

Blogging is important for your business

Is blogging really that important for your business?

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You’ve started a business, and you have a website. Now you’re looking for ways to promote your business, and one of the things you’ll have heard is to have a blog. Blogging will take up some time, but is it really going to do any good for your business? Is it going to be worth that time?

I will always say that blogging is certainly worth it for any business. It’s a great way to show off your expertise and to connect with people.

If you’re not sure if it’s something for you, it’s worth looking at how having a blog connected to your website that is regular updated is good for your business. But aside from this, strategies like Keyword Frequency Analysis can also help businesses understand which terms are most relevant to their target audience, optimizing content for better search engine visibility.

It connects with customers/clients

Blogging is one of the best ways to connect with potential customers and clients. People get to see what the businesses really know about their industry, and that helps to build trust. Did you know that SEO can help to drive traffic to your pawn shop or any business by increasing your online visibility.

Blog posts are effective because of this element. Trust is important, whatever someone is selling or offering. People will only spend money if they believe a product/service is valuable and worth their time. They want to know that the company will deliver on all promises, and they want a relationship with the business. By using free news article generation, businesses can regularly provide valuable content that enhances credibility and fosters trust with their audience.

So, make sure you make potential clients aware of just how important blogging is for connecting with customers and clients.

SEO is still important

Search engine optimization is not dead. It may not be alive in the same way that it used to be, but it is certainly not dead. People still use search engines to initially find something, and you want to be on the first page to catch the attention of others. Therefore, hiring experts from will improve your website.

That means blogging is still important. It gives businesses the chance to focus on the burning questions and problems that individuals have. That then allows them to promote products or services that will specifically help with those questions or problems.

You’ll want to use a free seo tool and check up on the keywords that people are using to find products or services that you’re offering. If you hire a blogger, they can often do that type of work as part of a package. Navigate the complexities of link building effortlessly with the guidance of experts from

It improves credibility

Remember that whole aspect of trust? Well, blogging helps to improve the credibility of a business. It’s all about sharing useful, engaging, and insightful information. Additionally, integrating SEO strategies, such as those offered by Clearwater SEO, can enhance visibility and attract more visitors to the blog.

This is more than just selling. The aim is to educate and show why a specific business should be trusted. This builds credibility, which improves the chance of making a sale. It really doesn’t matter what type of business your potential client is in.

You need to make a point of how blogging improves credibility, and why this is so important. This will help encourage potential clients to take you up on your offer.

MORE: How to use Facebook to come up with topic ideas

Blogging is still important. You know it, but you may not know how to get that point across to people you contact. The three points above are extremely important, and will help encourage them to give your blogging talents a go.

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Alexandria Ingham is a professional writer. She predominately ghost-writes in various niches, including fitness, finance and technology Everything is fully researched and well-written. Under her own name, she writes in the technology, business, history and weight loss niches

16 thoughts on “Is blogging really that important for your business?

  1. Burning questions. I’ve been talking about them in several different contexts lately, and here they are again. Another way for me to think about engaging people on my blog. Answering burning questions.

    You’ve given me food for thought today. Perhaps a new way to look at a post for later this weekend. If you get a chance, link up with our Bloglovin’ Blog Hop. Others would like this info as well!

    1. Glad I could help over the weekend. I was away over the weekend, so didn’t get a chance. I’ll check it out the next time it happens, though, if you do another one πŸ™‚

  2. Yes, it’s very important… Like you I keep educating people on this – a blog is the only place where the business can control the message. Why bother with everything else πŸ˜‰

  3. Hi Alexandria πŸ™‚

    100% agree with all of your above points on why blogging is important and I know that each and everyone of those tips work πŸ™‚ It is why I blog, so I can connect with my readers and clients as well as share valuable information that anyone can implement right away in their business and most importantly to gain authority in the marketplace πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing this awesome post!

  4. Hey Alexandria,

    Trust is definitely the key reason why Blogging is so important. You have to ask yourself why would anyone do business with someone who has a blog versus someone that doesnt. Trust is the Main reason, which can go into branding yourself as someone to remember. So yes this would be a valid reason for people to do business with someone with a blog!

    Thanks for sharing and showing the importance and how vital blogging is to business!

  5. I’ve seen some interesting things where a business has both a website and a blog. When you read the blog, you feel you are making a lot more of a personal connection with the person(s) blogging, even if the posts are being ghostwritten. I’ve seen it especially effective with Bed & Breakfasts, and people connected with food (growers, chefs, restaurants, etc.) If I see a tab for a blog on a business website, I always head right over. Too bad that a lot of business people still need to be convinced.

  6. Totally agree with the importance of blogging. One thing that I think people don’t understand is that blogging is work. It’s way more than journaling your thoughts – it is a way to develop relationships with your readers/customers.

    Kuddos on a very clean design and I like the way you changed up the headings to keep the eye moving. πŸ™‚

    1. It is important to understand that it is work. Many people go into blogging thinking it’s easy and then realize the truth. Thanks, glad you like the layout. I like to keep people on their toes πŸ˜‰

  7. Even if you don’t have a small business, blogging is an important way to express yourself. Back a hundred years ago, isolated people wrote a diary. Very few people read their words. Now, we can change that.

    1. That’s very true. I still have my diary (a computer version) for writing my thoughts, rather than on a blog. I don’t want some of my personal thoughts on the internet.

  8. I, too, think it’s really important to connect via a blog. I’m still trying to make the link to go the next step and show them the value of my book, which is an inspirational story.
    Thanks so much

  9. I find smaller companies still don’t ‘get it’ thinking all social media and blogging is a waste of time performed by people with not enough to do. Ha!

    1. Yes, I’ve found something similar, Mel. It’s a shame they’re not using the benefits of it right now.

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