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Halloween is here and Bullymake is certainly getting into the spirit. Here’s a look at my Bullymake review to see if it’s for your pets.
It’s another month, and I got another Bullymake box. Well, my dogs got another Bullymake box! It’s all for them, and each month they love it.
This may be the last box for a while, and not because of poor quality. It’s actually because of the great quality. I’ve given my ex some of the toys for when the dogs are at his so I’ll look back at the stash that I have to see what’s ready to go.
But I will say that the quality of Bullymake is great. I have toys from last October that are still standing, and they have certainly been played with! The rubber toys aren’t played with as much, but they get played with enough to not switch them out for something else.
The only thing I can’t comment on is the treats in the boxes. You can get a Bullymake box with toys and treats, but only in the U.S. As I’m in Canada, I don’t get to test out the quality of the treats on the dogs. I’m sure they’d love them, but I’ll leave that to U.S. bloggers to talk about.
Bullymake review for October 2021
So, onto the review for the box. The box itself is usually orange and white, but the Halloween box is always a different color. It tends to come in black and orange to mark the holiday season.
And of course, the toys are all connected to the season in some sort of way. Take a look at the box:
As you can see, there’s a white skull. That’s the nylon toy, and I’m sure like so many of the others, it’s going to be durable. I just have no qualms about the quality. This one was quickly taken by my male husky. He goes through stages of loving the nylon toys and the rope toys, and for this box, it was all about the nylon.
My female husky loves the ballistic toys, but she certainly chews them to pieces. They’re the least durable toys of the lot, but there is a label that comes on them to warn us of this. Use them when you’re around the dogs. She definitely took to this one quickly. It’s a green, crinkly toy, and does feel a little more durable than any of the others recently. There are no thinner straps for her to get her teeth into, so I’ll be interested to see if it lasts a bit longer.
The rubber toy is a little zombie head. It’s cute for the Halloween season and is a great color. There are a lot of debates over whether dogs can see colors, but I think they can see some. So far, neither of them have taken to this rubber toy. I won’t be putting treats in it. The head it just a little too long for me to then get my fingers in to get the end of the treats back out. It’s one of the downside of some of these rubber toys.
Finally, it’s the rope toy. This is often the hardest one to match the season, but the October 2021 toy is perfect. It’s black and orange, although I think it comes out a little red in the picture. It’s definitely orange. It’s a good length to play with, and my male husky has already taken to it. We’ve had a few games of tug together.
MORE: September 2021 Bullymake review
What do you think of the Bullymake box? Is it something for your dogs? Share your thoughts in the comments.
I’ll be back with another Bullymake review the next time I get a box. Get your first box at Bullymake right now.