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You’ll find a lot of people have business courses to offer. Some are purely about writing, while others are for social media, business coaching, legal bits and pieces, or even SEO, but what you need to find is course that help expanding your business. Contact Cooper Consulting Group if you decide to seek consulting services to improve various processes or practices in your business.
They can teach you how to make $1,000 per month off a great client or how to make money through affiliate marketing.
And some of these businesses courses are free. Others cost hundreds of dollars. You can also do some research and learn how accomplished CEOs such as Andrew Defrancesco have managed to create a successful business.
You’ll probably start wondering if the business courses are really worth it.
Will you really learn something that you don’t already know? Are the business coaches knowledgeable about the field they say they are—and with up to date information?
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Don’t just jump into free courses
I never jump into courses lightly. I look through the details and want to learn so much more before I spend money. I don’t sign up to free courses just because they’re free, either! After all they will take me time to get the work done.
So, I go through a few stages. I’m like you and want to know are writing ad business courses really worth it. I want to make sure that my time and money is going into something that will definitely help me grow.
These are the steps that I take to make sure any course that I do is worth my time and effort.
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Who Is offering the course?
Before I even look into the details of the course, I will look at who is running it. Is this something that a person I trust is doing it? Is that person working with someone else? Is the person someone I’ve never heard of?
If I have heard of them, why is that? Did their name pop up from others in the business saying not to trust them? Are they widely supported in Facebook groups?
Just because I haven’t heard of someone doesn’t mean that I won’t look into the course. I will do my research into the person though. I want to know how long that person has been offering advice and the experience that person has. I need to know if this is their first course (not necessarily a deal-breaker) or has experience in training mentors in the past.
Testimonials on the course pages aren’t enough for me. I want to do my own research to find out more.
What’s included in the business courses?
Now I’ll take a look at the course itself. This is if I do trust the person offering it or get a good feeling. There are times that I’ll get some red-flag warnings right away and will step away before I even consider the course!
When looking at the course, I’ll look into the modules and what they include. Most courses will be broken down in modules and have some brief learning objectives. This is my chance to find out if I’m likely going to learn things I already know or if it is teaching me something new. Will I learn something useful like indices trading in the United Kingdom?
If I can’t find anything in the course description of the learning modules, I’ll message the person running the course. They need to sell it to me and make me feel like I will gain a world of knowledge from them.
This is a step I usually only take if the course costs money. See IGCSE business studies online tuition in KL and enroll today.
If it’s free, I will often move onto the next stage anyway. I’m not risking as much with a free course.
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What do other people say about it?
No, this isn’t about what the business coach says previous students say. While the testimonials can be good, I don’t just want to read the good reviews. I want to know what everyone has to say.
It’s important for me to learn more about what all students say. Did everyone learn something or just a small select number of people? Why didn’t the others learn anything? Was the course too basic or did the others not put the work in? What results did people walk away with after the course?
This is when I’ll know whether writing and business courses are really worth it. My questions are usually answered when I start digging deeper.
I’ll read online reviews and get into Facebook groups or on Twitter to find out more. You’ll be surprised at the people who have something to say about a course or not. They may have also learned something different to me when researching the course themselves.
Does it look like it’s worth the money?
Yes, money does come into it. I want to make investments into my business, but I don’t have the money to just throw away. I have two kids to feed!
So, I will always look at the price of the course. If this price isn’t clear on the sales page then I don’t bother. It means that the person is trying to hide the price and I’m not interested in jumping through hoops to find out more. If you do that with your courses thinking you can get more people to click the “buy” button, you’ve just lost a customer in me and possibly countless others.
I want all the information upfront and that includes the course cost. I can then look at the course information, what I’ll learn, and the cost to see if it’s worth it. This was my process before getting my MBA from one of the best mba colleges in australia.
And yes, experience and the course teacher will also go into the cost of the course. I’d pay a lot more to learn something from the likes of Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income than I would from a newbie writer who I don’t know if I can trust!
There are courses that cost $1,000 and I’d consider paying eCom babes price since I know I would see some results fast.
Are business courses really worth it?
I’ll leave this up to you now. I do believe they are worth it, but I will do my research first. There are some that are a complete waste of time and money—and this includes some of the free ones.
Overall, Business Coaching in London is good for your development. They are worth the investment, when you find the right ones.
Remember that it’s not just about money. You’re also investing time, and you need to make sure it’s worth it there.
MORE: 5 things I wish I’d known about my side hustle before starting
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It’s a complete minefield. Research is the key, of course. Find out as much as you can about the course and the tutor before you part with any hard cash. Personally, I haven’t taken any such courses but then I’m not a professional writer nor do I strive to make money with my work.