Category: Business


7 tools I use daily to help when I work from home

Working from home isn’t easy, especially when you’re not used to it. You can find it hard to concentrate when there’s housework around you. Right now, you likely have the kids home, so you’re trying to work while you’re looking after them or while you’re trying to homeschool. It feels impossible to work from home […]


How to put the focus back on work right now

The last thing your focus will be on right now is work. Whether you’re used to working from home or not, the daily press conferences surrounding the coronavirus pandemic will interrupt your focus daily. It’s time to get your focus on work again, and I have the top tips for that. You’re not alone when […]


Now is the time to diversify your income as a WAHM

I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t have put all your eggs in one basket. I’ll be honest and say years ago I did just that. And then my basket crumbled and I had to start from scratch. What I will tell you is that right now is the time to diversify your […]


Should you sell your services on Fiverr?

When you start your WAHM business, you will look for ways to sell your services. Selling on Fiverr is recommended by some. Is it going to be worth your time? Full disclosure: I used to sell on Fiverr. It’s something that I recently shut down because it became more hassle than it was worth. And […]


5 tips for choosing the perfect domain name

Your domain name is one of the most important parts of setting up your website. This is your online address for people to find you. Getting the perfect domain name can be tricky. It will take time and you need to be willing to give it that time. The rules I followed a few years […]

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