My 3 favorite benefits of the work at home mom life

Favorite things about the work at home mom life

My 3 favorite benefits of the work at home mom life

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The work at home mom life has a bunch of benefits. Here are my three favorites that I think will always stand out.

You hear all about the ups and downs of the work at home life. You’ve heard about the skills you need to be successful, and ideas to get you started. There are people who have shared some of the benefits of working at home, but have you heard of those benefits from someone who actually lives the life?

Just how many times have you seen posts written by those who would like to live the life? How many actually manage it? There are a few more since the pandemic, but I still see a lot of people wishing they could find a way to make this life work.

You see, there are some benefits that make it clear to me I’m not going to work in an office again. At least, not unless I really have to. I love my life the way it is, and I’ll share the three reasons I’m keeping it this way as much as possible.

I get to set my own schedule

You’ve heard it before, but it might not have sunk in just how much of a benefit this is.

Don’t like the regular 9-5? That’s no problem. You really can work at a time that suits you. I start work at 10am and I finish at 4pm most days. I still spend time with the dogs (and kids, if they’re at home), get to the gym, take a decent lunch break to read, and much more.

You see, I set the amount of work I do, and I set how long I’m going to work on it. I slow down a little in the summer and pick it all back up again when the schools go back.

Now, I do usually end up writing later, but not for my clients. The writing I do after 6pm is usually for passive income (unless I’ve found a passive income topic that I really wanted to cover earlier and ended up pushing client work back to do it).

The best thing is that I can take a weekday off and don’t have to ask for permission. I don’t need to worry about other people in the office. For the last two weeks, I took Tuesdays off to spend with my daughters. Next week, I’ll take Friday off. It’s all perfect!

I control the money I make with the work at home mom life

They often say that there is less stability working at home for yourself. Well, I don’t see it that way.

At the moment, I keep hearing of people getting laid off (yes, still!) and jobs still not being available. Many of my friends are struggling with paying their bills because their bosses dictate their pay. And the cost of living is insane!

The work at home mom life takes away most of that stress. I get more control over the amount that I make each month. If I need to make more, I’ll get out marketing more or turn to the content mills for a little extra (which I’ve done this month). If I don’t need more, I’ll cut back and work on the passive income to increase that each month.

There is also less chance of being laid off. Think about it. You lose one client or customer; you can market to get another one. There will be slow points and days that you worry about money, but when you look over the course of the year, you’ll realize just how much was under your control.

This isn’t to say there isn’t any risk. I’m constantly looking at what could happen. I have a larger emergency fund that I would have if I worked for someone else because I don’t know how long it will take to get another client if I lose my main one. But I know I can find something.

I get to move around when it suits me

When you work for someone else, that person tells you where to sit and how to do your work. When you work at home, you have full control. You get to sit at a desk if you want, or you can choose to work on the couch. You may even pull the laptop to the bed one day because you’re too ill to move anywhere else but have deadlines to meet. Amidst this flexibility, a Lenovo Gutscheincode auf ThinkPad Laptops can add an extra layer of convenience, allowing you to invest in quality equipment without breaking the bank. It’s not just about comfort; it’s about optimizing your workspace for maximum efficiency and comfort.

On beautiful sunny days, you can look at working outside! There’s nothing to stop you finding a shady area to avoid glare on the laptop.

If you’re really struggling with productivity, you could even go to the coffee shop and avoid the distractions around the house. Perhaps you might need a commercial espresso machines for sale near me to make your own coffee. Some people who work at home find they really need this for a few hours during the day. It also helps to add some sociability to the job.

And it isn’t just about where I work in the house or in the local town. I can change my city or country if I want. I’ve already done it. I moved from the UK to Canada and I didn’t have to lose any of my work. It’s a little trickier with small kids and a narcissistic ex-husband, but once the kids are grown, I’ll be able to move around with ease again.

MORE: 3 rules for a work at home mom

Now can you see that there are some great benefits to the work at home life? Isn’t it time you grabbed all those benefits with both hands? Okay, so the work at home lifestyle isn’t for everyone, but it could be perfect for your wants, needs and desires.

What do you love about the work at home mom life? What would you like to gain from it? Share in the comments below.

Alexandria Ingham is a professional writer. She predominately ghost-writes in various niches, including fitness, finance and technology Everything is fully researched and well-written. Under her own name, she writes in the technology, business, history and weight loss niches

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