Yes, you can make money reading books!

Make Money Reading Books

Yes, you can make money reading books!

You’re likely looking for all the ways to make money online. After all, you have dreams of being a work at home mom, and you need this to be successful. At the same time, you want to enjoy the WAHM lifestyle, so you want to do something that involves your hobbies. Did you know that you really can make money reading books?

I know it sounds crazy! How can you possibly do something that’s so passive and make money out of it? I’m about to share exactly how. After all, it’s something that I’ve done in the past and something that I’ve got back into now.

It’s all about book reviews

I’ll be honest and say that there’s work involved. After all, there’s a clue in the title “work at home” mom. You’re not just going to get paid to do nothing. It takes effort and time to build an income. The good news is you make money reading books; you make money doing something that you enjoy doing. And it’s not going to feel like work when you get to delve into a magical world or you enjoy the universe created by the author.

Whether you love historical fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, or even murder mysteries, there’s an audience. Once you’ve read the book, you’ll need to do a review. The way you do that review is completely up to you. Once you start reading books, you might also want to take care of your vision, which is why we recommend that you visit brillen online kaufen and get some eyeglasses, or you may hop over to this website at

Some people will opt for writing a book review on a blog. You can start up your own blog specifically for this or join a revenue share site. Other people will opt for a video review or you may do it all through social media.

How exactly do you make money reading the book?

Okay, so you can put a review out there. Great! How does that make you some money?

There are a few ways that this is going to work. The first, and the most common, is through affiliate marketing. You’re going to sign up for an affiliate (usually Amazon Associates) and you’ll add your affiliate link for the book that you’re reading. The idea is that you send people to buy the book that you’ve fallen in love with.

If you’re sharing a negative review, you may link to a book that you prefer instead. There may be a book by the same author or a book that you’ve enjoyed in the past that you thought the current one you’re reviewing would be like. You want to recommend something for people to buy.

You can do this through social media, on a blog (or some revenue share sites), or through your YouTube videos. You can work on multiple ways to make money reading books.

There are sites that will send you assignments

Don’t want to start your own blog? Not interested in vlogging? There are other ways that you can make money with your blogs. There are multiple websites that will pay you to make money with your reviews.

I’ll admit that I haven’t tried them myself, but I’ve heard some good reviews about Any Subject Books and Online Book Club. In some cases, you’re sent a book of their choice. There’s no need to accept the job if you don’t want based on the blurb, but this can be a great way to get out of a comfort zone or try new books. Other sites will allow you to sign up for books that you want to read.

In many cases, you’re reading new books. If you want to review books that you’ve read in the past, you’re going to need your own blog.

WAHM jobs: Make Money Reading

Consider being an audiobook narrator

People listen to audiobooks instead of reading them. There are all sorts of reasons for this. The blind will need their talking books—that’s what my blind Gran always called them, by the way—while others will find that reading the book just isn’t possible in the time they have. They want something that allows them to listen while on the go. I have a few books on Audible because I find reading them boring but I can listen to them much better when I’m in the car or walking the dog.

These books need narrators. While there are some books that will hire narrators they’ve used in the past, there is always a call for new narrators. If you have what it takes, you could end up becoming one of the new narrators.

Like the book review sites, I’ve not personally tried this. However, I’ve heard ACX and Brilliance Publishing are the two to check out.

Are you looking to make money reading books? Which option will you try first? Let me know in the comments below!

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Alexandria Ingham is a professional writer. She predominately ghost-writes in various niches, including fitness, finance and technology Everything is fully researched and well-written. Under her own name, she writes in the technology, business, history and weight loss niches

7 thoughts on “Yes, you can make money reading books!

  1. Thank you so much Alexandria for this post. I’m a bookworm and it never crossed my mind that I could actually make some money with reading books. I’m gonna check out the website links you posted. I think I’ll try the affiliate one first. xo Lisa

    1. I have so many books, it’s crazy! I haven’t tried all of them, but in my research, they were the ones recommended the most. They’re definitely ones I’m going to check out when I have a little more time! Funnily enough, I found an email about ACX in my inbox shortly after writing this! Thanks so much for your comment!

    1. Thanks so much for your comment! It’s books rather than blogs (might have been a typo?). Although reading blogs is also certainly worthwhile and can make any blogger a better blogger 🙂

  2. I love being sent books for review – it is such a lovely thing and I think there was only one book I wasn’t able to review as it just didn’t gel with me – will look into the resources you share too 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for your comment! Some of the review sites make a point of wanting honest reviews and not just positive ones. I like that. Like you say, some books don’t gel with us.

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