5 reasons being a work at home mom is the best

Why being a work at home mom is the best thing ever

5 reasons being a work at home mom is the best

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I’ve been a work at home mom since I became a mom. The job I have now is one that I started up before I had my first child.

And I’m not just a work at home mom with a job and a boss to report to. I run my own business.

Part of setting up my business before I had a baby was because of that. I wanted to be a work at home mom so I could be there for the sick days and snow days without worrying about taking time off work, so I could take good care of my baby while working, since being with him is really important to me and I even get things as baby nappy cake Melbourne so he can have everything he needs.

Don’t get me wrong; having this business is hard. Working from home and having children around is difficult. But it’s all worth it in the end. I’ll have days where I wonder if I should go back to working in an office, but most of the time, I love the situation I’ve found myself in. Even during the pandemic.

Not sure if being a work at home mom is right for you? Here are five reasons I love it.

My hours remain flexible

One of the great things about working from home is that my hours are flexible. I work best on a night. I always have.

When everyone else is in bed, I can sit at my computer and get three or four hours of work in without feeling tired, without being interrupted, and without feeling guilty that I’m not spending enough time with my kids. If I want to work at unsociable hours, I have that chance and nobody can tell me otherwise.

If there are days where I need the evenings off, I get that choice. I can work during the day when necessary.

I also get more control over the days that I take off. I can take the weekdays off when needed and work the weekends. I don’t have to ask anyone if I can do that, although I will run things by my husband to make sure he’s got no plans for the weekend. Communication between us is important.

I wouldn’t get that flexibility if I was in the office. Also known as pin boards or tack boards, corkboards help organize your home office.

Balanced: Finding Center as a Work-at-Home Mom ($)

I can take time off when I need to without worrying

If one of my daughters is off school sick, I can take the day off. I don’t have to run that by anyone. I’ll just pick up the work on an evening when my husband is home to do the childcare.

There’s never any need for me to ask my boss if I can take the day off. I just email a couple of people who I may work with (usually some co-editors) and let them know I’ll be around later in the day instead.

The only person I’m accountable to is myself.

If I have to take too many days off because of illness (or something like homeschooling during a pandemic), I don’t have to worry about my job. I have that flexibility to work when I want. I get to take the time off without worrying too much about things, so I get to put the focus on my children and my family.

MORE: It’s okay to say no as a work at home mom

My children get to see me working

Being a work at home mom means that my children will see me working now and again. Right now, they see me working more than they don’t. That’s simply because we’re all at home working and doing homeschooling.

I do think this is a good thing for them.

My daughters see that women have a place in the workplace. While I didn’t see my mom or grandmothers working, I knew they did work. It told me that there was a place in the working world for women.

At the same time, my daughters see that sometimes you need to keep yourself accountable to myself. My daughters see that I have a dairy of work to get through. They see me tick things off one at a time as I get through it all, especially now.

Now that they’re homeschooling, there are no arguments about them jumping online and doing their work. When they have to do things without their teacher in front of them, they just get on with it. They know that this is sometimes necessary and they have the boost from seeing me working to know that it can be the norm.

I’ve not once had to tell my elder daughter to get on with her work, even through the first lockdown when I said I wasn’t going to be homeschooling them. She just got on with it.

My younger daughter needs a little nudge but she’s just turned five and I expected that. When she is in the Zoom classes or when she’s found something that holds her attention, she gets on with things. And I never have an argument about starting the day.

I spend more time with the kids as a work at home mom

Something I didn’t get to do too much with my mom because she worked out of the house was spend a lot of time with her. I didn’t want that to be the case when it came to my children. I wanted to make sure I could be there for them when they needed it.

Because I work at home, I’m here for them when they get home from school. I get to finish at 5 p.m. or even earlier and just go downstairs to hang out with them. I don’t have the commute to think about.

Okay, I do actually miss the commute as it was my time to read books and take time out of the day, but I’ve found other ways to get that.

I wouldn’t switch the time with my girls for the commute. My commute to the office and back was two hours. I left the house at 7 a.m. and didn’t get back in until nearly 7 p.m. I’d miss out on so much with my children or I would have had to move closer to my job, but that would have affected my husband’s job and commute.

Another job I had meant working for a couple of hours in the evening out of the house. I would have to commute to the place of business, and in some cases, that commute could be 90 minutes one-way.

I’m glad I’m here for my kids instead.

Why being a work at home mom is the best thing ever

I have a little more stability

People say that employment is the most stable form of income, but I don’t believe that at all. Just look at the current pandemic.

How many people who had what seemed like stable jobs are being laid off? How many businesses are closing because they haven’t managed to survive the pandemic?

As a work at home mom, I worried at first. While my business changed a little, it didn’t change too much. An on top of that, I have the ability to find more work very quickly.

There have been times that I’ve lost a client. It’s taken me a week or so to find a replacement client. When I lose a client, I don’t panic. Instead, I put out the feelers to find someone to replace that lost income. I have the time to do something like that without the client, after all.

My income has remained more stable than ever before. And I can take on extra work when I need to make extra work.

I wouldn’t change being a work at home mom for the world.

MORE: 7 top tips for planning your day

What do you love about being a work at home mom? What’s holding you back from finding a work at home job? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Alexandria Ingham is a professional writer. She predominately ghost-writes in various niches, including fitness, finance and technology Everything is fully researched and well-written. Under her own name, she writes in the technology, business, history and weight loss niches

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