Why Sometimes You Need to Change Your Blog’s Theme

Why Sometimes You Need to Change Your Blog’s Theme

Why Sometimes You Need to Change Your Blog’s Theme

How long have you had your current theme for your blog? Is it time to change your blog’s theme? I’ve had this one on my writer mentor site for the last three years!

Yes, three years of the same look!

That’s longer than I’ve had my hair colour!

Why Sometimes You Need to Change Your Blog’s ThemeHonestly, it’s time for a revamp and that’s what I’ll be spending some time doing. Today’s email from the 30-Day Blogging Challenge is about quality. It’s not just the quality of your content, but the quality of your site overall that’s important. If people are turned off by the look of your site, you’re not going to get clients.

Outdated sites are just as bad as poorly created ones. They make you look like you’re stuck in the times.

So, it’s time for my site to be a little more modern. I’m look through a few themes right now but I haven’t come to a definitely conclusion. By the end of the August 30-Day Blogging Challenge I hope to have a new theme set up. That will come with a new subscription option and weekly newsletters.

It’s a lot of work, but I know that it will be worth it.

And it’s not just this site that needs a revamp. My Hire a Freelance Writer site also needs an overhaul. After all, I want writing clients as well as mentoring clients, right? Those who manage the websites of charitable organizations may also consider changing or updating their charity web design once in a while.

I’ll share what I’ve done with you when I manage it. I’d love to hear your opinions when I do change the theme.

So, what about you? Are you going to change your blog’s theme? Have you already done it recently? If you haven’t and aren’t considering it, take a real look at it and ask yourself if it really does show off your full potential.

Alexandria Ingham is a professional writer. She predominately ghost-writes in various niches, including fitness, finance and technology Everything is fully researched and well-written. Under her own name, she writes in the technology, business, history and weight loss niches

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