Image: Day2DayTips
The final residual income site that I’m covering this week is Day2DayTips. This is a very new site, and run by a team of five Filipino writers.
As far as I know, all the owners previously wrote at Bubblews, and some still remain there. However, they wanted a site that is more communicative with writers, and offers writers pay based on other factors.
But will writing at Day2DayTips make you money? After three months writing at the site, I’m going to share my insights.
It’s New So Still Growing
Right now, I can’t confirm that it will make you a lot of money. The articles I’ve been posting have brought in the $1 per month to meet the minimum threshold but not much more. Fortunately, these were all articles I wrote for a client, who never ended up paying for the content.
The articles were never sent to him, so I decided to put them on the site to see how they’d do. It was content that I had no use for anywhere else. Once these articles run out, I’ll then have to make the decision whether to keep adding content to the site.
Right now, I have to be honest that I don’t know if there’s any point.
It could be just the fact that it is new. It won’t have gained ground with Google yet. I’m also not that great at promoting the content on the site.
Paid for Views, Comments and Zonal Word Count
The site pays for views and comments, as well as giving a small bonus for writing more words in the content. The minimum word count is just 150 words, but there are rates for opting to write 300, 500 and 800 word pieces. There is an issue with the zonal word count at the moment though, so I’m not seeing the amounts I should. I’ll give that some time though. I understand just how annoying tech can be!
The pay for views and comments is low, though. Much lower than Daily Two Cents and Writedge. This is part of the reason why I’m not bothering with actually writing fresh content for the site, and I’m using up the articles that I had for someone else and now have no use for them.
I’m seeing if having more content will help. So far, it’s not proving to be fruitful.
There are $1 bonuses for a tip becoming a featured one, and so far I’ve had four become featured. Not bad to say that the articles were already written.
The Site Does Pay on Time and Staff Is Communicative
Image: Pixabay
Two upsides are that the pay comes on time and staff is communicative when there are problems. I also may get a private client out of it, so I’m not complaining too much.
The pay comes through on the first of the month without fail. It was something that attracted me to the site in the first place, when I found out from another writer that it was an option.
I also commend the owners on communicating problems and changes with writers. Emails are answered usually within 24 hours when I’ve had a question, and there are now regular pop ups on the screen when there are changes. There are also posts made by the owners to inform writers of the changes.
It’s a refreshing change, considering some sites don’t respect their writers.
Now Accepting Affiliate Links
When I first joined up, affiliate links were not allowed. However, they are now. Writers are allowed one affiliate link per post, I believe.
Writers also get 100% of the affiliate income too, since the links are posted straight into the content. It will certainly appeal to many who like this method of earning. It’s something that may get me to stay on the site for a little longer.
I’m going to give it a try as I use up the rest of the posts that I have.
Do I Recommend Day2DayTips for Making Money?
I’m not too sure. This is a site that is so new that I’m just not 100% on.
It’s something that you as a writer will need to check out for yourself. Browse around the site, and decide whether it is worth your time. The earnings are high at the moment, but that could just be due to a new site and having a small number of posts on the site.
I’m going to get through the content I already have written, and will then look at the earnings again. I’ll share a new Day2DayTips review once I’ve done that, which should be at the end of the year.
Ah, this is very interesting to know!
I just realised that my link wasn’t working on UBC, hence why I’m commenting on your post!
I did wonder about that, Sophie 🙂 Glad you could find something interesting.
Any kind of online exposure is helpful (and ultimately lucrative) if it drives the reader back to your site – where you can make passive income. D2D may not offer immediate income but it could give you web traffic.
That’s a great way to look at it, Kathy. I hope that’s what happens with my articles. I’ll see by the end of the year if it’s helped at all.
kind of interesting your post , not sure I get the correct vibe here
hi Denisa. I’m not sure I understand what you mean by that. Could you clarify?
Yeah, online exposure is necessary but I also believe, too much promoting irrespective of where you are promoting creates a bad impression for your site.
Thanks for this useful post.
I’m not sure I understand what you mean by too much promoting. Not all the articles would need to link to other content that you have.
Very useful information. I’m not so much into the “pay-by-click” situation. I find it stiffles my creativity and ability to work from a place of true service. But I enjoy learning new information.
Dorit Sasson
Giving a Voice to Your Story
Some people do find that, and I completely respect that. I used to find it too. Now I’ve found niches that people want to read more from and I enjoy writing in.
This is a new site to me. Hope that the owners can make it work. I know that it takes time so one has to be patient.
When you say that you have reached the $1 per month payout threshold, how many articles have you submitted in order to do that?
I made the $1 with 5 posts on the site. I now have 35 I think, all pre-written.
Another great post! You sure have given your readers an assortment of money making possibilities. 🙂
$1 threshold? Wow, never seen that before.
Thanks, Cynthia. Apart from Daily Two Cents and Writedge originally having such low thresholds (they now have $5 minimums) the $1 threshold doesn’t happen very often.
Ready for my daily lesson, Alexandria, on residual income sites. Still trying to get my head around it, but you have most certainly whet my interest. Definitely something I will explore one day. Looking fwd to see what next week will bring! HUGS <3
Please bear with me on the posts, Judy. I know you — and others — would like more info on residual income sites and monetisation. I am one of those who creates a plan and has to stick to it. I’m a little OCD in that way. I am glad you’re looking forward to next week though. 🙂
Ok so a lot of writing for $1 but looking at the bigger picture, the more you get your links out there the better surely! No doubt if people like your articles they will want more.
It is sometimes worth looking at the bigger picture. I like to give sites six months to see how they do. When it comes to very new sites though, I tend to give them a year to see how it works out for me, so I may continue posting until the year mark, even if it means some extra work.
Been following your posts this week and you’ve sure given great reviews of these type of sites. Certainly an area I never knew existed. Clever use of articles from a non-paying client.
Never knew about this!
Thanks for sharing…Great post Alexandria!!
I’ll be watching for an update on this money-making website. While I believe we can make money from third party sites, I do prefer writing on my own blog and not having to share the money with another website.
Still.. I am open to growth. 🙂
I’ll make sure I post it in the Article Writing Challenge board as soon as I do an update. It will either be at the end of December or the start of January to give the site time. I prefer making money on my own blog too, but I’ve found that these sites can be more profitable while my own blogs are building.
Another one I haven’t heard of before, thanks for the review.
Interesting, is this better than wikinut?
I’ve never tried Wikinut, so wouldn’t be able to compare. I’ve actually changed my view on Day2DayTips, so will add an update very soon. Probably a new post.