Category: Lifestyle


What is the 15/15/3 treadmill workout? (And does it work?)

Have you seen fitness TikTokers tell you to do the 15/15/3 treadmill workout? Here’s what it is and whether it works. For the last 12 months, I’ve focused a lot more on getting fitter in the gym. I’ve switched out the running for other treadmill exercises and strength workouts. One of the treadmill workouts that […]


Why walking is one of the best cardiovascular exercises you can do

There are many good cardiovascular exercises out there to do. Walking is one of the best, and here’s why you need to do it. People who lack exercise are also prone to vascular conditions like varicose veins or venous ulcers so it is advised that they seek vein disease treatment immediately. A lot of people […]

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